Spirit World: Achlohtah-hey

In the Center, we catalyze with our sexual soul force through open heart to heart communication.  Our open hearted sexual communication is what gives us our identity as a human being. This comes through our soul, our life force energy.

Sitting in the Center of the Spirit World wheel are the Achlohtah-hey, the ascended masters who teach us from the spirit world and act as guides for us on our world’s SunDance journey.

Our technologies and scientific advances, our modern conveniences, and our electronic ease of communication have created lifestyles that foster the illusion that we are masters of the worlds of Grandmother Earth.  Humanity’s arrogance will prove its undoing.  Separation is an illusion as we are all part of the web of life.  Destroy one part and the web collapses.  The Earth Mother will survive, heal, and rebalance herself through her Earth changes in alignment with the Cosmic Law “Death Gives Life”.  It may take a million or so years, but that is merely a blink in her time line.  We may not survive, however; extinction is certainly an option for the human species.  The choice is ours.

Check out the Song of the Deer by Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi if you would like to learn more.

Human World


Humans are the fourth-born children of Grandmother Earth and sit in the east.  Again, we are two-legged animals in the Center of the receiving world of the animals, but we can evolve and become balanced human beings as determiners, taking responsibility for our place in the web of life.  Human beings are determiners, or directors, because we have choice and free will; we can destroy or nurture our environment.

This wheel tends to create controversy because it distinguishes between red, black, white, yellow, and mixed races, called metis.  Furthermore, in these modern times, unique cultural and racial distinctions are blurring as technology shrinks the globe, and the world community continues to become more homogenous.  This Human World Wheel teaches the traits and gifts of humans as determiners of energy and honors the unique beauty of the gifts and give-away of each race of people that the soul seeks in its evolution and chooses as part of the mold for our spirit personalities.

The Twisted Hairs Elders say that each of us is a spiritual metis, as we have reincarnated into each race many times.  (They say that since each spirit personality, guided by the cycles within Sacred Law, reincarnates a minimum of 144 times to evolve to the point of resurrection and enlightenment, our spirit personality has incarnated into each race a minimum of thirty-six times.)  Furthermore, we all have red blood, black pupils, white bones, and yellow marrow in our bones (colors of the four directions of the Medicine Wheel), and we carry the gifts and give-aways of each of the colors within our cellular memory.  All we need to do is access that memory to realize we are metis; we are all brothers and sisters in the larger family.

Among all the creatures, it is only the humans who were created with free will, an agency of choice and self-determination. It is also only the humans who have the genitalia for experiencing full body orgasm at will. These two features distinguish us from the other Worlds. We determine our own reality and with this comes authority, responsibility, and power. It is our choice whether we exercise these in beauty and re-creation or in pain and destruction.

Check out the Song of the Deer by Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi if you would like to learn more.

Animal World: Creepers and Crawlers


In the West, we hold with the physical body with intimacy. Now, this does not mean to hold as in hold on tight.  It is holding in the sense of transforming energy through stabilization and for utilization.  Think of it as an electrical cord. The body is the structure through which electrical energy moves like a conduit, and provides the transformed energy to turn a fan, or work a toaster, or move the body parts.

The crawlers are those whose bellies are closest to Grandmother Earth and who often move through her.  They are the receiver-holders who sit in the West of the Animal World wheel.  The snake is the closest to the Earth, receiving her energy from the Earth, then giving back to us knowledge of the perfect alchemy of the Earth

Check out the Song of the Deer by Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi if you would like to learn more.

Third Universal Law

beach children“Nothing Shall be Done to Harm the Children”

No law, action, thought, word, or deed can be brought into manifestation and continue to exist if it brings harm to the essence of the creation of life, for this is a direct attack on the feminine principle.  Every form of every thing is a child of creation.  Another way this law is expressed is “Nothing Shall be Done to Harm the Children of Grandmother Earth, Including the Child Within.”  Since all life is the child of Grandmother Earth, the survival of the species and evolution into excellence are affected when we violate this law. Cutbacks in education and imposed conformity in our education systems harm the children.  Pollution of our rivers, oceans, and air is a direct violation of this law.  Anything that restricts, disrespects, and violates the children’s fire (the inviolable spirit) within all things and all people harms the children.

Whenever we about to enact a law or establish a regulation, it would be wise to ask whether it provides the opportunity for spiritual growth and the maturation of autonomous individuals, whether it protects and nurtures freedom within Sacred Law.  Will this action honor the feminine? Does it protect, nurture and empower all children, now and for the next seven generations?

In your own life, in your interactions with other people and institutions, ask yourself ‘how can I begin to live this law?’, ‘how can I make a difference?’  We are called upon to walk the law and live the law, so the law lives and breathes in us.  This is true alignment.

To learn more, check out the Song of the Deer by Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi or The Thirty Sacred Laws by Claudia van Corva.

Collective Dream of Grandmother Earth


In the Center of the Dream Type wheel is the Collective Dream of Grandmother Earth. It is the memory of dreaming. This is the dream of all humans walking as balanced fives—that is, in total alignment, balance, and harmony with the Self, the five Worlds of Grandmother Earth and the 20 Powers.

7 Arrows – Rainbow Arrow of Gaining Wisdom, Alignment, Balance & Harmonic Resonance


If you remember, the 4th dark arrow is Comparisons, the place where our group identity becomes our support system that verifies and validates our judgments and separation.  It feels like we  judge and separate from “them”, those who do not believe in the same way, or have the same values, and are not like us.  But truly, this dark arrow is picked up because we judge and separate from our self, then others and life.

When we pick up the 4th light arrow, we say YES to loving our self for the sheer pleasure of doing so.  Our hearts open and we connect to self, life, others, and Spirit.  The gift from the Universe is the 4th Rainbow Arrow where we gain wisdom, alignment, balance and harmonic resonance through the alignment with all forms of all things.  Logic, knowledge and wisdom can only be received by a flexible, open free-thinking mind whose intent is to be in balance and harmony with all the Worlds of Grandmother Earth.


7 Arrows – Rainbow Arrow of Introspection


By consistently picking up the second Light Arrow of Self-Appreciation, we break the 2nd dark arrow of dependencies.  We then gain the 2nd Rainbow Arrow of Introspection, which is the place of “going within” and listening to our body knowing. It is the place of death, change and movement.

It is also through our proper alignment with the four worlds of Grandmother Earth that we gain this Rainbow Arrow.  Introspection makes us aware of Grandmother Earth, the second Power of the Universe, and we feel the earth under our body. From the depth of introspection and intuition, we know that we are in relationship with all forms of life. Earth is our substance.  We experience the inter-connectednes, inter-reliability, and inter-dependence with all the worlds of Grandmother Earth.

Animal Medicine Monday – Turtle

Turtle, the clan animal of the West, is the sigil of Grandmother Earth and teaches the sacredness of the Earth Lodge (including our bodies).  The turtle is the protector of the lodges of women, keeping both our home and womb sacred.  This clan animal is the keeper of the teachings of shields and carrier of teachings of humanity.  The turtle also brings alignment with the mineral world, especially that of the crystals.

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Winter Solstice (or Summer Solstice down under)


Soltices and equinoxes sit in the center of the season wheel, catalyzing the cycles of death, life, rebirth, change, and movement.  Grandmother Earth’s internal, introspective movement moves counterclockwise to produce the seasons of fertility and abundance of all forms of all things.  Take a moment to breathe the energy of this solstice deep into every cell of your being, allowing the death of the that which no longer serves you, so that there is room for the seeds of new life to sprout and flower.


Red Lodge Longhouse


About the Red Lodge Longhouse Program
The Red Lodge Longhouse program is a year-long commitment to personal excellence and the impeccability of a Warrior. This program is for students who wish to develop ways of knowing how to connect with Spirit and how to live in harmony with fellow humans and nature. Through alchemy, sacred laws, magick and tools, the student gains freedom and enlightenment within their own path with heart.

The Intent and Focus of this First Year
First Year Red Lodge consists of six weekends and a ceremonial week-long in addition to personal study and opportunities for hands-on experiences and ceremonies. The first year program explores in depth the circular movement of the Wheels and Keys of knowledge of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path.

At the end of this year, the student will be able to use these Wheels in their life, understand their connection to nature and how to make personal changes for the better. This program helps students to understand their movements through the Wheel of Life, to learn about their energy body, to stalk themselves and win the battle
of being “asleep” in life.

Red Lodge Year One is designed to allow the seeker or student to discover their path with heart and explore the Worlds of Grandmother Earth. It is an introduction to the “Great Work”, the inner journey to heal oneself and find the warrior within.

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Click the links below…

Red Lodge Italy – it’s not too late to register for the 2016-17 program!
Email us!  Or call Arnaldo at 0039 335 7278108 (English speaking),
Claudia at 0039 328 4693058 (Italian speaking)

Arizona and Calgary programs start in January and are enrolling now.
Arizona Red Lodge
email us or call 602-799-8564 to register!
Red Lodge Calgary email us or call 403-277-7383 to register!

Red Lodge Australia begins in March 2017.  Be one of the first to enroll!
As you are anxiously waiting for March, check out some of their other events.
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