Martial Arts Belt Promotions 9/22

Congratulations to our 3 new yellow belts: Annetta Luce, Gaeliel Apostolou, and Love A.

All 3 earned their promotion to yellow belt at Wednesday evening’s class, where they demonstrated their development of the striking, blocking and kicking basics, as well as several katas.

Any time a student tests, they demonstrate their willingness to see their level of skill and to continue learning.  We honor this in our new group of yellow belts.

Interested in learning karate, jiu jitsu, and self-defenseTen No Kishi holds classes 4 nights a week at our Center.  Visit the dojo site for more information.

Ten No Kishi Student of the Month August 2010

Congratulations to Annetta Luce, Ten No Kishi Dojo’s student of the month for August!

Annetta’s diligent attendance and practice has resulted in significant improvement in her techniques and progress toward her next belt promotion.  Good job!

Visit the Ten No Kishi web site for more information about classes.

Rites of Passage First Seed Ceremonial Weekend

Congratulations to all participants in our first Rites of Passage First Seed Ceremonial Weekend!

Held August 20-22, 2010 in Arizona, this Rites of Passage weekend focused on honoring the transition and maturation of boys (11-15) to young men, according to the teachings of Sweet Medicine Sundance Path. Five young men participated in the ceremonies honoring their growth and individuality. In addition, the parents/guardians received teachings and ceremony to better understand and give ongoing support to the young men through their transition.

Many thanks to Razel Wolf and Jeff Hohensee, ceremonialists, and to Bonny Phyfield, logistics coordinator, as well as to the young men and their families.

What some participants said:

I am deeply moved and grateful for the Rites of Passage experience. It has opened up a new way of thinking about relating to a young man in my life rather than just a growing boy. It has also opened his perspective of who he is and how he will relate to the world he is entering. Thank You. The weekend and level of care for the young men was beautiful.

Brian North, family member

Rites of Passage are so important. Our young people and people of all ages need this experience of connection throughout our lives. This is as important as schooling. Thank You.

Michael Chavez, family member 

It was an absolute privilege to witness and celebrate the honoring, growth, and beauty of these young men as well as their parents/guardians. Thank You.

Bonny Phyfield, logistics coordinator