Rites of Passage Intro Book Now Available

The Sweet Medicine SunDance Path has a rich Rites of Passage tradition, celebrating and empowering every stage of human life and transformation from conception through death.  In recognition of the growing interest in and need for Rites of Passage, DTMMS has published a new introduction to the Sweet Medicine SunDance Rites of Passage.

Introduction to the Sweet Medicine SunDance Rites of Passage

Rites of Passage Intro cover

Designed to provide a basic understanding of the purpose of various Rites of Passage ceremonies within the context of human maturation, this 75-page book outlines the general aspects of maturation that we face at different times of our lives, and the types of ceremonies available to us at those passages of our lives.  When we think of rites of passage, we often think only of puberty-related ceremonies, or those which mark the transition from childhood into adulthood.  However, there are many additional significant transitions in our lives, such as birth (pretty significant transition!), and the movement from adult to elder.

“A rite of passage acts as a contributing agent to assist humans in effectively navigating their lives. It helps an individual to meet basic human needs and to move into and through adulthood with greater resources of inner strength and connection to Spirit.”

The book also includes information about Life Transitions and Special Occasions rites, such as bonding ceremonies.

The Introduction to the Sweet Medicine SunDance Rites of Passage is available from the DTMMS online bookstore.

More about the Introduction to the Sweet Medicine SunDance Rites of Passage…

Note: This book is not intended to guide you through specific ceremonies.  Rites of Passage ceremonies must be facilitated by a certified Rites of Passage ceremonialist.  For more information on this, contact the DTMMS Center at dtmms@dtmms.org.

Ceremonial Gathering in the Pacific Northwest

Raven Speaks Lightning gathering

Raven Speaks Lightning gathering

The lovely Pacific Northwest

The Raven Speaks Lightning Lodge in the Pacific Northwest recently completed their third week-long ceremonial gathering.  Held in the beautiful Washington countryside near the Columbia River Gorge, the gathering was attended by 30 people.  This year the gathering concluded with a day of ceremonial prayer.

Started in 2006, the Raven Speaks Lightning Lodge has attracted an enthusiastic and growing group.  The lodge sponsors regular teachings and ceremony, as well as work with the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path healing paradigm, ceremonial weeks in nature, drumming and singing.  Lodge activities occur monthly in both Portland and Seattle. 

For more information about this group, contact Mateo and Martha at LightningRavens@comcast.net.

To find a lodge or study group near you, visit the DTMMS locations page.

Martial Arts Belt Promotion 7/28

Congratulations to Karen Williams, who earned her promotion to nikyu, or middle brown, in Kenpo through Harley SwiftDeer Reagan’s Ten No Kishi Dojo on Wednesday July 28!

Ten No Kishi classes meet Monday through Thursday evenings at the DTMMS Center (see the DTMMS web calendar for details).