Spirit World: Achlohtah-hey

In the Center, we catalyze with our sexual soul force through open heart to heart communication.  Our open hearted sexual communication is what gives us our identity as a human being. This comes through our soul, our life force energy.

Sitting in the Center of the Spirit World wheel are the Achlohtah-hey, the ascended masters who teach us from the spirit world and act as guides for us on our world’s SunDance journey.

Our technologies and scientific advances, our modern conveniences, and our electronic ease of communication have created lifestyles that foster the illusion that we are masters of the worlds of Grandmother Earth.  Humanity’s arrogance will prove its undoing.  Separation is an illusion as we are all part of the web of life.  Destroy one part and the web collapses.  The Earth Mother will survive, heal, and rebalance herself through her Earth changes in alignment with the Cosmic Law “Death Gives Life”.  It may take a million or so years, but that is merely a blink in her time line.  We may not survive, however; extinction is certainly an option for the human species.  The choice is ours.

Check out the Song of the Deer by Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi if you would like to learn more.

Spirit World: Omitakoyasin


Omitakoyasin, who sit in the East of the Spirit World wheel, are the spirits of all ancestors of all humans on this planet Since Always and For Always.  People who enter into your circle of life experience have done so because you have dreamed them there.  In some way, your souls have established an agreement that allows you to empower each other’s evolution.  We are all related.

In the East, we determine with the spirit through passion and lust. The words passion and lust are bound to create controversy. Think of it this way. You have not had an apple in a long time, and you may never have an apple again. As you eat this apple, you totally focus your attention on it. With all your senses, you taste the juice of it; you are aware of the texture and smell of it.  You savor every morsel of it as if it were the only thing going in town. This is eating an apple with passion and lust. So, in our lives, with everything we do, whether it is cleaning the floor, writing a paper, or making love, we should do it with the spirit of passion and lust, as if it were the last moment of life. Savor each moment by determining with your intent and focus from your spirit.

Check out the Song of the Deer by Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi if you would like to learn more.

Spirit World: Tungashilah


The Tungashilah are all the blood relations of our toushilahey, our spirit selves and personalities from every lifetime Since Always and For Always.

In the North, we receive with the mind through clarity and caring. Our mind is an open cup, ready to receive from many viewing points and perspectives. When we are open only to one viewing point, we can get tunnel vision. The more ideas and concepts we can receive with our minds, the greater will be our capacity to see many different perspectives and therefore, gain more clarity.

Check out the Song of the Deer by Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi if you would like to learn more.

Spirit World: Toushilahey


Toushilahey are all our spirit selves and personalities from every lifetime Since Always and For Always.  Our task is to gain freedom from the cycles of reincarnation and resurrect into enlightenment.

In the West, we hold with the physical body with intimacy. Now, this does not mean to hold as in hold on tight.  It is holding in the sense of transforming energy through stabilization and for utilization.  Think of it as an electrical cord. The body is the structure through which electrical energy moves like a conduit, and provides the transformed energy to turn a fan, or work a toaster, or move the body parts.

Check out the Song of the Deer by Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi if you would like to learn more.

Spirit World: Tolilahqui


Tolilahqui are the little people who sit in the South of the Spirit world.  They came here with the elementals to prepare the planet for habitation for humans.  They work with the Sasquatch, considered by Native Americans to be rulers of the animal world, who use the little people as communicators and balancers of ecology.  Only when they were present could humans be birthed into this world.  They delight in mischief and teach us the gifts of laughter and humor.

South energies teach us how to give with our emotions with tenderness, which is a means of “energy motion” or “E-motion.” Emotions are meant to be expressed, to flow freely. In other words, if we are angry we give our anger; when we are happy we give happiness; when we are sad, we cry and give with sadness. Our emotions are a part of our beauty which we have to give away. As long as we are giving our emotions with tenderness our emotions are true, clear and clean expressions of what is happening with us. We are in balance.

Check out the Song of the Deer by Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi if you would like to learn more.

Spirit World

ancestor world

Wherever we have four directions on a wheel, we also have five. So, with the four Worlds is the fifth World: In the center of all Worlds is the World of Spirit, the catalyzer of all energy. All forms of life have “spirit” (manitou): they have life force energy, which we call the catalyst, pulsing through their form.

The ancestor spirits sit in the Center of the worlds, for it is the journey from spirit into substance and substance into spirit that makes transformation and evolution possible.  We are the culmination of all the potential of all our ancestors, and we owe them honor and respect.  We have the opportunity and the obligation to develop our excellence to actualize the potential of our ancestry and carry the Beauty and power of that legacy on to the next seven generations.

Check out the Song of the Deer by Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi if you would like to learn more.

Human World: The Metis


In the Center, we catalyze with our sexual soul force through open heart to heart communication.  Our open hearted sexual communication is what gives us our identity as a human being. This comes through our soul, our life force energy.

The metis, the rainbow humans of mixed blood, sit in the Center of the Human World wheel.  These are the ones who bring us the gathering-together circle of the teachings and the opportunity to exercise the unique gifts of all the great races and powers.  When we come into physical form as metis, we integrate the opportunities of the combination of racial attributes we have inherited.  Ultimately, on a spiritual level, we are all metis.

Check out the Song of the Deer by Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi if you would like to learn more.

Human World: Yellow Humans


In the East, we determine with the spirit through passion and lust. The words passion and lust are bound to create controversy. Think of it this way. You have not had an apple in a long time, and you may never have an apple again. As you eat this apple, you totally focus your attention on it. With all your senses, you taste the juice of it; you are aware of the texture and smell of it.  You savor every morsel of it as if it were the only thing going in town. This is eating an apple with passion and lust. So, in our lives, with everything we do, whether it is cleaning the floor, writing a paper, or making love, we should do it with the spirit of passion and lust, as if it were the last moment of life. Savor each moment by determining with your intent and focus from your spirit.

We incarnate into this race to learn the power of fire in the East in order to embrace spirit and gains moments of illumination.

Check out the Song of the Deer by Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi if you would like to learn more.

Human World: White Humans


In the North, we receive with the mind through clarity and caring. Our mind is an open cup, ready to receive from many viewing points and perspectives. When we are open only to one viewing point, we can get tunnel vision. The more ideas and concepts we can receive with our minds, the greater will be our capacity to see many different perspectives and therefore, gain more clarity.

We incarnate into this race with the opportunity to learn to receive like the wind in the North, to develop multiple perceptions, and to use one of the greatest gifts of humanity – an open and imaginative mind.

Check out the Song of the Deer by Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi if you would like to learn more.

Human World: Black Humans


In the West, we hold with the physical body with intimacy. Now, this does not mean to hold as in hold on tight.  It is holding in the sense of transforming energy through stabilization and for utilization.  Think of it as an electrical cord. The body is the structure through which electrical energy moves like a conduit, and provides the transformed energy to turn a fan, or work a toaster, or move the body parts.

We incarnate into this race with the opportunity to integrate the attributes of the West – learning ow to hold and transform energy within our body, to develop mastery, and to experience our body as he sacred temple it truly is.

Check out the Song of the Deer by Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi if you would like to learn more.