Thundering Thursday


Know the potentiality that change offers.  Use the law of minimal chance to become part of the process of change itself.  Allow yourself, thereby, to be part of the solution and not the problem. ~ SwiftDeer

Children of Grandmother Earth, The Human World

circle_1280Each of the worlds have a wheel of their own.  Each of the directions dance with the Human World in different ways.

In the South are the red humans.  These are the peoples who are most closely aligned with the heart, the fluidity of emotions. They teach us the way of one-heartedness, having a heart connection to all forms of Life in a beauty way. It is to these sisters and brothers that we owe these Sweet Medicine SunDance teachings.

In the West are the black humans. These brothers and sisters teach us about physical mastery and power, the body’s agility, rhythm, strength, and endurance.

In the North are the white humans, the people of the mind, of modern technology who have greatly advanced the evolution of civilization. However, they have significantly forgotten to do so in balance and harmony.

In the East are the yellow humans. These sisters and brothers teach us about the spirit.

In the Center are the Métis rainbow humans. These are all those who realize that no matter what color the skin, no matter what race or cultural heritage, we all have red blood, black pupils in our eyes, white bones, and yellow marrow in our bones. They teach us the ways of the Five Huaquas: health, happiness, humor, hope, and harmony. These are the gifts of being truly human. In order for us as humans to achieve these qualities of human-ness

We must:

  • GIVE WITH TENDERNESS – having as our intent to gather together in our heart space
  • HOLD & TRANSFORM WITH INTIMACY – by caring for one another in our physical bodies
  • RECEIVE WITH CARING – by teaching one another within respect and honor
  • DETERMINE WITH PASSION AND LUST – by sharing with one another our fire, our inspiration
  • CATALYZE WITH OPEN HEART-TO-HEART COMMUNICATION – by being intimate with one another

Remember we said wherever you have four, you also have five. So with the four Worlds is the fifth World: In the center of all Worlds is the World of Spirit, the catalyzer of all energy.

All forms of life have “spirit” (manitou): they have life force energy, which we call the catalyst, pulsing through their form.


Children of Grandmother Earth, The Animal World

Each of the worlds have a wheel of their own.  Each of the directions dance with the Animal World in different ways.

In our tradition, animals are known as “Sweet Medicine.” Each animal through its habits and ways carries within its being-ness a “medicine.” It is a gift of healing they bring to us if we align with them. Mostly they teach us to be who we are. You don’t see a dog wanting to act like a frog. It is content in its dog-ness. These animals are great teachers and allies.


In the South are the swimmers of all sizes and shapes.  They are receiver-givers. The fluidity of water has to do with our emotions. Look at the dolphin: it is a receiver by nature, but if a human is in trouble, it will give help to the human.

lizard_1280In the West are the crawlers, those who creep with their belly on the earth. The earthworms, lizards, and snakes are receiver-holders. They know the earth intimately, so from them we can learn how to be in a more harmonious relationship with her. The earth worm eats compost and changes it into soil, therefore helping the soil to hold its integrity.


In the North are the four-leggeds, the receiver-receivers, those who run with the wind and teach us balance. Some of these animals have been willing to “receive” humans onto their backs and make our transportation easier.






In the East are the winged ones, the receiver-determiners. These beings relate to our spirit (fire). The eagle is known as the “Messenger of the Great Spirit,” carrying our prayers to spirit and bringing messages back to us.


In the Center are the mythical animals, the receiver-transformers and catalyzers. Mythical animals have a way of stretching our imagination and teaching us in the dreamtime.  They carry truth through the myth and legends of all cultures. Also here are the two-leggeds who are not yet sacred humans. The Sweet Medicine SunDance Way speaks of unbalanced humans as “two leggeds.” They are human in form but lack the consciousness and right behaviors of what it is to be truly human. When humans become balanced, they move to their own place on the Human Wheel.


Children of Grandmother Earth, The Plant World

Each of the worlds have a wheel of their own.  Each of the directions dance with the Plant World in different ways.

barley_1280In the South, the grasses and grains, are the giver-givers. They give by being the food source and nourishment for many animals. Watching a field of grain or tall grass ripple in the wind reminds us of the image of grass as water, therefore connecting it to the south energies.

tulsi_1280In the West are the herbs and shrubs which are giver-holders. Herbs will hold their healing properties until such time as they are to give them. For example, the sage holds its cleansing ability until it is burned, then it can be used to heal negative energies. Notice when cooking how herbs change the taste of food. You can learn to tune into their song and know exactly which herb to take when you need healing.


In the North are the fruits and flowers, the giver-receivers. The flowers are like a barometer, for they will receive the energy of their environment and wilt or thrive depending on whether the energy is negative or positive.




In the East are the trees called the “Standing Tree Nations.” The trees are giver-determiners. That the trees are prime givers is obvious. Did you know that the trees also determine the weather? The aura of a tree is most like that of humans (humans are the overall determiners). Therefore, when you need to give something away energetically, hugging a tree is a wonderful energy exchange.



Children of Grandmother Earth, The Mineral World

Each of the worlds have a wheel of their own.  Each of the directions dance with the Mineral World in different ways.


In the South, the sands and soils, are known as the holder-givers.  The sands hold the potential for giving of life. Also the sands dance with the fluidity of water. Watch how the sands dance when waves crash the shore.




In the West, the rocks and stones are the holder holders for they hold the stability and strength of the earth. One only has to lie down on a large rock on a sunny day to experience how they hold the sun’s heat.





In the North, the precious and semi-precious gems are holder-receivers. They are molded and hold meaning which they have received from varying cultures and uses. When humans wear the gems they act as a healer by receiving negative energy.


In the East are the crystals, the holder-determiners. The crystals are known as the brain cells of Grandmother Earth, and when used in a healing way, they clarify and transform disease with their fire energy.


In the Center are the mixed ores and metals. They are the holder-transformer catalysts. These are ores like gold and aluminum that have been transformed by time and/or alchemy and are now used as catalysts in their own right. Look at the gold bullion, used as the catalyst underlying our entire money system.


Children of Grandmother Earth

In the totality of Grandmother Earth there are four categories or Worldsas we call them. They correspond to the four directions. In our tradition, we often speak of these worlds as “children” or “people.” Though different in nature from humans, we relate to them with equal respect and honor.  As varying forms of life, we are all children of Grandmother Earth, all manifestations of the creation of all substance form. Each of the Worlds carries and manifests energy within its own unique expression.

apple-tree_1280The Plant World sits in the south and are the Givers of Energy.  the Plants as the givers of energy. What it means for the plants to be givers is that their gift, their essence of being-ness as a plant is to give. They give nourishment, shelter, beauty, inspiration and most importantly through the photosynthesis, the oxygen we breath, our breath of life. Plants teach unconditional giving. You don’t find a plant trying to decide who it will give air to today according to its likes or dislikes.  Through its being-ness, it simply gives.

coal_1280In the West is the Mineral World, who are the Holders of energy. The saying goes, that “within one grain of sand lies the entire Universe.” It is from the Mineral World that plants are born, so we might say that what is “held” is the potential for life. The Mineral World teaches us that substance is primarily a container, a vessel for spirit. The Mineral World is thus like our physical body.

meerkat_1280Sitting in the North are the Animals as the receivers of energy.  Their gift is teaching us how to receive. Knowing how animals are receivers is probably most easily understood by those of you who have pets. You will recall the times when you were sick or just “blue” and your pet came to curl up beside you and “made you feel better.” Animals will take on the energy of their human companion. Often people will say the pet looks like or acts like their caretaker.

The fourth World consists of Humans as the determiners of energy. Among all the creatures, it is only the humans who were created with free will, an agency of choice and self-determination. It is also only the humans who have the genitalia for experiencing full body orgasm at will. These two features distinguish us from the other Worlds. We determine our own reality and with this comes authority, responsibility, and power. It is our choice whether we exercise these in beauty and re-creation or in pain and destruction.

Remember we said wherever you have four, you also have five. So with the four Worlds is the fifth World: In the center of all Worlds is the World of Spirit, the catalyzer of all energy.  All forms of life have “spirit” (manitou): they have life force energy, which we call the catalyst, pulsing through their form.



During this power time for the seasons, we shift from sultry summer to cooler autumn days in the Northern Hemisphere.  And in the Southern Hemisphere, the cold days of winter are thawing, providing the new growth of spring.  No matter which hemisphere you may live in, this equinox is a time to catalyze your own self-growth through your connection to and communication with nature.

Step outside, feel the sun on your face, the breeze on your skin, the earth beneath your feet, and the pulse of your heart beat.  Experience gratitude for the body you are in and the life the flows in, around, and through you!

Four Seasons

We all know the four seasons and how they affect our life-style: spring, summer, fall and winter. They too have a place on the wheel.

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Spring, which sings to us about the rejuvenation of the water as it flows in the streams and reawakens life out of its winter dream, sits in the South.  Thus, we know that spring teaches us about fluidity. (Ask any allergy post nasal drip survivor about this!)Screen Shot 2016-09-03 at 10.19.29 AM


Summer sings to us about the fire and its heat, its full out expansion of life’s vibrancy and joy. Therefore, it sits in the East.

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The fall sings with the wind that tosses us about to test our flexibility and willingness to surrender to change as the seeds ride on the wind to their new destination. Fall sits in the North.

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And the winter sings with the earth as it calls us into itself, for a time of introspection and death. Even the movement of sap in the trees begins to slow down. Winter sits in the West.


Remember we said there are always a minimum of five places on a wheel. Solstices and Equinoxes sit in the Center. These are the power times for the seasons and act as a catalyst and communicator between the seasonal changes.

Four Elements ~ Water

Screen Shot 2016-09-02 at 10.14.45 AMThe Four Elements are the building blocks of all Creation on Grandmother Earth, and therefore, stabilize our world.

Water sits in the South of the Element Wheel.  Think of the many different ways that water appears on this planet. It can be raging rapids or a small quiet brook. It can appear as a stagnant pond or a great ocean. Given enough time, water can wear away mountains.  Contemplate the many forms in which you experience the waters on this planet and know that this is South energy. All South energies are fluid or have fluidity as part of their nature.

The waters within are reflected as our emotions.  Healthy, clean waters embody energy in motion, e-motion.  Do you have places where your e-motions are stagnant, muddy, and not life-giving?  Or, are your inner waters fluid, flowing, and clean?

Need to bring your e-motions back into a balanced state?  Take a moment each day to align with the give away and power of the element of water.  The fluidity of water will assist in bringing any unbalanced e-motion back into harmony.

(If you are drawing this wheel, south is at the bottom of your circle, North is at the top, West is to the left, and East is to the right.)

Four Elements ~ Fire

The Four Elements are the building blocks of all Creation on Grandmother Earth, and therefore, stabilize our world.

Screen Shot 2016-09-02 at 1.04.53 PMIn the East is the element of Fire.  Fire teaches us expansion. It could be a small candlelight, or a raging forest fire, or the campfire which warms you on a cold night. Did you know that fire is a chemical reaction that emits light and heat, similar to the sun?  Or that Earth is the only planet that has enough oxygen that allows fire to burn?

Our spiritual aspect is the inner reflection of the fire element.  When we are fully aligned with Spirit, we expand into the creative potential of all life.  Our passion, hope, and joy are fueled by the strength of our spiritual determination.

What are you passionate about?  Do you starve your inner fires with restricting belief systems (withholding oxygen rich air)?   Or do you fuel the hungers that bring you pleasure and knowledge?  Think about the many ways you have experienced fire and you will know the East energies.

Align with the Fire Element and expand into the unknown.

(If you are drawing this wheel, North is at the top of your circle, South is at the bottom, West is to the left, and East is to the right.)