Gathering of DTMMS Leaders in the Midwest

On Saturday, October 30, fourteen DTMMS leaders from Chicago, Grand Rapids, Battle Creek, and the Detroit area were gathered by Med LaRou (co-leader of the Light Warrior Clan) for a day of reflection, inspiration, and strategy.  Together they asked:

  • how can we nurture and grow the Sweet Medicine SunDance path in the Midwest?
  • where do our passions for leadership lie?

Through both large and small group discussions, they clarified their goals and vision, identified key arenas and passions, and began developing strategies and tactics to foster connection, growth and vibrancy in the medicine community in the Midwest.

This group of leaders will continue to meet, drawing in the energies and inspiration of others as well, to further develop these ideas and to cultivate the actions and follow through that will create their vision.

May it be done in beauty!

Martial Arts Belt Promotions 9/29

Two more students received their promotion to yellow belt at the Ten No Kishi class on Wednesday 9/29.

Chip Lambert and his son Gavin demonstrated their determination to progress at their belt test.  Congratulations to both of you!

Ten No Kishi holds classes at the DTMMS Center in Scottsdale Monday through Thursday evenings.  The Sweet Medicine SunDance Path gateway process of self-growth and development includes the development of physical mastery – and martial arts is an excellent discipline to support that.