Bon Voyage, Elva!

DTMMS thanks Elva!

Elva and friend

The Deer Tribe office has been blessed with the presence and services of Elva Davila since the end of February, 2011, after a generous donor made it possible for us to hire an additional part-time staff member at the Deer Tribe headquarters.   This came at such a critical time for us and we have been delighted and grateful to have Elva on board.

In a very short period, Elva has learned the entire product making and shipping realm and has been filling orders with aplomb!  In addition, she has completed several projects that I have not had time to do in the 3 years I have been working at the  DTMMS “front desk.”  These projects are all great improvements for us – a better filing system for the masters and mock-ups of our products, a “How To Make” Bible for all the products we make in house, a working intercom system, an updated shipping rate sheet for product, storage for the Deer Tracks archives – and if any  you have recently received a gift for your contribution to the Rainbow Power Center, it was Elva who made it possible for those gifts to go out the door to you!

Even more than that, Elva has come every day and done every job with an incredibly bright attitude and open mind.  It has been a steep learning curve, as it would be for anyone first stepping into this job.  And Elva has been cheerful, independent, open, organized, efficient, and fun!  WE ARE SO SORRY SHE WILL BE LEAVING!  But alas, she returns to her roots and family in Chicago.  Elva departs July 7th.  So we have a few more weeks to cherish her presence and skills!

Thank you, Elva.  You have done an incredible job and made us all very happy.  We wish you well on your journey onward.

For the Deer Tribe

Understanding Abundance – Tuesday June 14

Warrior Spirit Lodge, the home lodge of DTMMS in Phoenix AZ

Warrior Spirit Lodge in Phoenix AZ USA

The Warrior Spirit Lodge in Phoenix presents a special class working with Abundance on Tuesday, June 14, 2011.

This is the third of three classes on wealth and abundance, building on the 15 faces of wealth and last month’s abundance mesa working. The class will be discussing this wheel with the intent of exploring how to walk with more perspective, balance and joy.  The class will include a purification ceremony.

For more information, contact Warrior Spirit Lodge.

You can also read more about Abundance on the DTMMS web site:

Abundance is the naturalness of the Universe. The more one gives, the more abundance returns. This is not a myth or mystery. It is the Law of Return. The mineral, plant and animal world all know this.  More…

Longhouses Support the Rainbow Powers Center

The Bravo White Lodge and Internship Longhouse and the Arizona Red Lodge Longhouse showed their strong support for the Rainbow Powers Center at their recent meetings.

Red Lodge Longhouse

Bravo White Lodge and Internship participants contributed over $15,000 during their weekend session.  Red Lodge participants contributed over $2000.

Many, many thanks to all who have contributed, and who continue to contribute, to the Rainbow Powers Center project!

Red Lodge Longhouse is the basic training program of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path, a four-year program designed to support the progress through the first three gateways of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path.   Bravo White Lodge and Internship Longhouses are advanced programs for those in the fourth gateway.

Aura Perceptual Analysis coming October 2-16

Aura Perceptual Analysis (APA) is the study of the human luminosity and the evolution of the soul. In this two week training course, taught by Thunder Strikes, students of the Sweet Medicine Sundance path learn to see, glean and know the 15 aspects of the human luminosity.

The Human Luminous Egg Cocoon
It has long been known within many traditions that human beings are more than just a physical body. Within the Sweet Medicine SunDance path, the energy body associated with the human physical body is called the human luminous egg cocoon. As a human evolves, this luminosity reflects evolutionary change just as the physical body reflects physical maturational change. The study of the luminous egg cocoon has been a primary focus within the Twisted Hair tradition for many generations.

In the same way we can map our physical health and development through an understanding of physical anatomy, we can map our spiritual health and development through an understanding of the luminous egg cocoon. This energy body contains information about how we perceive our world, how well we achieve a balance within our internal masculine and feminine energies, the patterns we have chosen through which we express our unique gifts, talents, and shining, the amount of lifeforce energy we have available to fuel our life choices and actions, and much more.

GleaningLearning to See, Learning to Connect
The APA training focuses on the experience of “gleaning.”  Learning to glean is learning to see and engage with reality as it objectively exists.  It requires learning how to remove the filters that lie between you and the world around you. It trains you “to connect” rather than separating.

For more information
The APA workshop will be held in Scottsdale, Oct 2-16, 2011.  De-armoring is a prerequisite for this training.  Contact for more information.