Animal World

animal world

Animals, the third world of Grandmother Earth, are the receivers of energy.  Their gift is teaching us how to receive. Knowing how animals are receivers is probably most easily understood by those of you who have pets. You will recall the times when you were sick or just “blue” and your pet came to curl up beside you and “made you feel better.”  Animals will take on the energy of their human companion. Often people say the pet looks like or acts like their caretaker.

In our tradition, animals are known as “Sweet Medicine.” Each animal through its habits and ways carries within its being-ness a “medicine.” It is a gift of healing they bring to us if we align with them. Mostly they teach us to be who we are. You don’t see a dog wanting to act like a frog. It is content in its dog-ness. These animals are great teachers and allies.

Check out the Song of the Deer by Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi if you would like to learn more.

Keepers of the Dream


Sweet Medicine, the spiritual energy of all animals of the planet (14) in the Twenty Count, are the keepers of the dream. In particular, the two animals most used in dreaming are the owl and the bear.  Owls are the bringers of the dream and the bears are the holders of the dream.  You may have seen the Zuni bear fetishes and noticed that a coral or turquoise stone and a small arrowhead will be attached. This is so the bear, who is the holder of the dream, can point the way to the dream.

Animal Medicine Monday – Skunk


The Skunk is considered a shield bearer, a shield being a body of knowledge. The keeper of scents, senses, and inner senses.  Much like the Opossom, because it is nocturnal, the skunk is a shadow exposer.

If something smells fishy, or gives you goosebumps, makes your hair stand on end, or just doesn’t feel right, call on skunk to help you find the knowledge necessary to expose what’s in your shadow or your Shideh (lower self) so you can walk with the beauty of your inner wisdom and knowledge.

Animal Medicine Monday – Wolverine


The Wolverine is a powerful animal that resembles a small bear but is actually the largest member of the weasel family.  According to National Geographic, “these tough animals are solitary” and “need a lot of room to roam. Individual wolverines may travel 15 miles (24 kilometers) in a day in search of food.”

Wolverine is the keeper of personal power and defender of psychic attack. Wolverine is one of the strongest defenders against mental confusion. It will also eradicate evil or that which destroys life.


Twenty Count Tuesday – Sacred Earth Father


Our hearts begin to soar like an eagle on the fleeting wings of time as we spin towards the North to become the Dance within the Wings of the fourteenth Power. We see that this fourteenth Power swims as the dolphin and carries us through the rivers of life, through the aeons of time.  This Power flows into the great Lake of Memory and is Earth Father. He teaches us the Dance of the Snake so that we might be close to the ground and hear the Songs of the Rock People.  He teaches us to dance with the four-leggeds through the flowers and trees so that we can hear the Songs of the Plant People. This is the world of magick. We feel the Medicine of the Sacred Chant called How to Fly as the Eagle and we realize that this is, indeed, the Sweet Medicine Chant. Within it are the Songs of the Spirits of all our Animal brothers and sisters on this Sacred Planet

Animal Medicine Monday – Raccoon


raccoon_1280Raccoons are considered the masked heyoehkah, or sacred clown.  As they gather, they teach us to collect only that which is necessary.  They also teach us to horde, save and steal.  Raccoon is the teacher of jealously and possessiveness.  Because it is nocturnal, it is a shadow exposer.

Animal Medicine Monday – Elk

Elk, the largest and most regal member of the deer family, are the totem animal corresponding to the sun sign of Sagittarius.

Elk are fast, good jumpers, and considerate.  While traveling in gangs, they take turns making trails in the snow.

Elk are master teachers and healers, as well as the awakener of the unconscious. This keeper of thunder and lightning teaches us to “hear the lightning and see the thunder,” which helps bring us from fantasy into the light of knowledge.  Master of rules and laws; Elk teaches us to resolve our karma circles. They are also the guardians of the gateway into the unknown (the nagual or spirit world) and masters of physical sexuality and orgasm.

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Know Thyself…


“Make it thy business to know thyself, which is the most difficult lesson in the world.  Yet from this lesson, thou will learn to avoid the frog’s foolish ambition of swelling to rival the bigness of the ox.”  ~ Miguel de Cervantes

Animal Medicine Monday – Wild Turkey

Wild Turkeys are called ground eagles.  Like the eagle, communicates with the Great Spirit, but from a more tonal and grounded place.

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Animal Medicine Monday – Raven


We are soon to complete the Sun Astrology of Libra for this year…

We would like to share a few tidbits about the animal totem within Sun Bear’s Earth Astrology that coincides with Libra, the Raven.

Ravens are intelligent, group oriented, and love to play.  Some mate for life.  They can ride on the wind like a hawk.  They know the secret of our communication with nature.

The Raven is the keeper of magickal law and teacher of natural law. It dances with civil and social law in such a way as to teach us to see its foolishness. The raven cannot be deceived by religious law. The raven and crow both know the secrets of the Twenty Count, the power of light and our communication with nature. They are the messengers for sorcerers and shamans. They know Sacred Law.


If you would like to learn more about Sacred, Magickal or Natural Law, please visit DTMMS Bookstore.