
Are You Dreaming a Dream of Excellence? – The West

Are You Dreaming a Dream of Excellence? – The West

Your life is a dream, a movie you dreamed up. What kind of movie and character in that life movie have you dreamed? What kind of dreamer are you? Which one are you most of the time?

This is part 3 of a series and the third movement around the medicine wheel written by our late Nagual Elder, Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi.

To the west we go!

West: Daydreamer

These are the “dreamers” who daydream a lot. They dream small dreams, safe dreams, but still very much inside a very structured small box. Their low measure of self-worth keeps their dreams small and a low ceiling on their expectations. They are often victims of stress and do not deal well with change, thus settling for good enough. They daydream of what could be but don’t enlist the discipline, commitment, follow-through and dedication to make it happen. If they can break out of the box, they can achieve much more and star in their life movie. For those who understand SMSD teachings on blocks, the block in the west is doubt.

Reflect on your life. Are you a daydreamer most of the time, some of the time or none of the time?


Are You Dreaming a Dream of Excellence? – The North

Are You Dreaming a Dream of Excellence? – The North

Your life is a dream, a movie you dreamed up. What kind of movie and character in that life movie have you dreamed? What kind of dreamer are you? Which one are you most of the time?

This is part 2 of a series and the second movement around the medicine wheel written by our late Nagual Elder, Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi.

Now to the north!

North: Want-To-Be Dreamer

These “dreamers” are awake but at the effect of the perceptions of others. Their identity is formed and reflected by people around them. They look to others for emotional approval, mental recognition, physical security, spiritual acceptance, and sexual identity. They strive to be politically correct and don’t make waves, thinking that this is the best way to get what they want or be safe. They dream yet have no hope that they can have what they want or they think they are not capable of making it happen. Low self-worth. They tag along on the coattails of others’ dreams and often experience lots of regret. Very often at the end of their life they will express regret for not having done more, loved more.

Although they do a lot of wishful thinking, they can’t see anything better or bigger for themselves. These “dreamers” dream by association, living vicariously through others, such as idolizing or identifying with celebrities.

Want-to-be dreamers are stuck in their core beliefs about themselves that make them small. They see their cup half empty. For those who understand SMSD teachings on blocks, the block in the north is shame.

Reflect on your life. Are you a want-to-be dreamer most of the time, some of the time or none of the time?


Are You Dreaming a Dream of Excellence? – The South

Are You Dreaming a Dream of Excellence? – The South

Your life is a dream, a movie you dreamed up. What kind of movie and character in that life movie have you dreamed? What kind of dreamer are you? Which one are you most of the time?

This is part 1 of a series and the first movement around the medicine wheel written by our late Nagual Elder, Thunder Strikes with Jan Orsi.

In the south, we begin!

South: Asleep Dreamer

These “dreamers” lose their focus and are in reaction to those they give their power away to. They are asleep, unaware, at the effect, attached and dependent. They watch and wait for life to happen to them and are afraid to get involved in life. They don’t feel they have any control of their lives and are stuck in mediocrity and inaction. They don’t even have dreams because they are resigned to their “lot in life”. They exist and are in survival mode most of the time.

Their low level of self-worth mires them in emotionality and emotional imbalance. Focused on the past, they get lost in their mythology and childhood stories about themselves. For those who understand SMSD teachings on blocks, the block in the south is guilt.

Reflect on your life. Are you an asleep dreamer most of the time, some of the time or none of the time?


Our Natural Selves & The Cougar

Our Natural Selves & The Cougar

Happy birthday to the Cougars! For those not familiar with SunBear’s Earth Astrology, those born from Feb 19 to March 20 have the North American cougar (also known as a puma) as their birth animal totem.

We can learn so much about our natural selves from the animal world, including how to be more efficient and balanced with our everyday energy.

Did you know? Extremely solitary in nature, cougars usually hunt at night or during the hours of dawn and dusk. These cats employ a blend of stealth and power, stalking their prey until an opportunity arrives to pounce, then going for the back of the neck with one fatal bite. They will then hide large carcasses and feed on them for several days. The cougars have a very efficient way to feed themselves and maintain strength and energy with only themselves to rely on!

What do you think? Where can you add a little cougar medicine to your life?


Spring Events In Canada!

Spring Events In Canada!

Photo credit: Paul Jung (thank you!) 

Spring is rolling into Canada and lots of events to learn, heal and grow within the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path! For more info on these and more in Toronto, check out:

Spring 2014

Shamanic De-Armoring:
2-week intensive to fully release physical armoring and rebirth your Natural Self.

Women’s Teachings:
Women’s Equinox Celebration on The Island – March 29
Birthing Wheel of the Goddess- April 18-19

Shamanism 101 [drop-in evening classes]
March 11 – Shamanic Approach to Addictions
March 25 – Inner Space, the Final Frontier – Shamanism and the Quest for Enlightenment
April 15 – Life and Laws of Cycles
May 6 – Life After Fear: Shamanic Wisdom for a Changing World
June 17 – Ceremony and Rites of Passage


The Birth of Spirit – Live!

The Birth of Spirit - Live!

What a rare sight to tune into the birth of Spirit! The Decorah Eagle Cam is a live stream of a mama eagle over her eggs. Watch past egg laying videos from the last weeks or see what’s happening now. We just heard the eagle cries pierce though the trees … let us know what you see and hear!