

RED LODGE AUSTRALIA IS NOW ENROLLING. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience a year long program of spiritual study and ceremony that is dedicated to increasing balance and self-growth in all aspects of your life: emotional, physical, mental, spiritual and soul force!

For more information on Red Lodge Australia, email

Don’t forget, Red Lodge is offered in Australia, Italy, Canada and Arizona in the U.S.! For more info, email


Otter Medicine!

Otter Medicine!

It’s the birthday time of the otters! For those not familiar with Sun Bear’s Earth Astrology, those born January 20 – February 18 have otter as their birth animal totem and naturally align with their personalities. Whether it’s river or sea otter, otters are the most playful, social, affectionate and voracious eaters around as water loving, furry mammals.

Did you know? Sea otters will float together on their backs in groups of 10 to 100 forming “rafts”. The groups are typically arranged as females together and males together with the pups spending time in each group. Sea otters take care of the necessities of life while floating: traveling, grooming, resting, and nursing their young.

How’s that for relaxation and focus? Where can you implement a little otter medicine in your life?


Shamanic De-Armoring In Seattle Feb 2014

Shamanic De-Armoring In Seattle Feb 2014

As you journey from childhood through adulthood, painful experiences and traumas imprint not only on your psyches but also in the cells of your physical body. This cellular imprinting of pain causes trace minerals in the body to coalesce into metallic bands of “armor”. This “armoring” restricts and blocks the free flow of energy in your body, keeping you in patterned behaviors that produce dysfunction, illness and premature aging.

Your true nature’s spirit, or soul essence, is trapped inside a prison!

Shamanic De-Armoring is an intense healing process that loosens these past pain tapes held within the body, frees and expands the overall life force energy and stimulates vital health and happiness. It is a modernized shamanic technique and ceremony that restores one back to a natural balance. As a result, your life force energy will pulse through your body with greater power and magnitude.

The next 15-day intensive Shamanic De-Armoring workshop is happening this Feb 9 – Feb 23rd in Seattle, Washington!

For more info on what is Shamanic De-Armoring, testimonials and more, click here.


First Moon of the Year: Snowgoose Animal Totem

First Moon of the Year: Snowgoose Animal Totem

Happy birthday to the snowgeese! If you’re not familiar with Sunbear’s Earth Astrology, the snowgoose is the animal totem associated with those born Dec 22 – Jan 19. There is much unique about the snowgoose.

Have you ever watched a flock of geese flying in their traditional “V” formation? Two engineers learned that each bird, by flapping its wings, creates an uplift for the bird that follows. Together the whole flock gains approx. 70% greater flying range than if they were flying alone.

How is that for energy efficiency? Can you think of where you can apply snowgoose efficiency within your life?


It’s that time! Arizona Red Lodge 2014 begins this weekend!

It's that time! Arizona Red Lodge 2014 begins this weekend!

It’s that time! Arizona Red Lodge 2014 begins this weekend!

Join us this Friday night, Jan 17 in Phoenix at 7pm for drumming, ceremony, and a lineage address by our beloved Medicine Director. She will be speaking about the history of our lineage and what the lineage means to us now.

Invite your friends and family ~ all are welcome!

To RSVP & for questions, email:

Arizona Red Lodge enrollment is still open for 2014!
Are you ready to make the leap into the unknown?

Come and check us out! For more info on Arizona Red Lodge, click here.