Red Lodge Comes to Australia!

Red Lodge Longhouse

In 2011, Australia begins its own Red Lodge Longhouse!

Program dates for 2011 are:

Visit the Red Lodge Longhouse in Australia web site

  • Session 1: Jan 13-16
  • Session 2: Mar 17-20
  • Session 3: June 2-5
  • Session 4: Jul 28-31
  • Ceremonial Week: Aug 31-Sept 4
  • Session 5: Dec 1-4

For more information on Red Lodge in Australia, email, or visit

The Red Lodge Longhouse Program is the basic training program of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path:

The “Gateway” process is the underlying structure of self-development within all of the Eight Great Powers. Red Lodge is a structured educational program that takes students through the first three gateways of the Sweet Medicine SunDance (SMSD) Path. These gateways are designed to teach us how to do the three G’s: “Grow up, Get over it, and Get on with life.” Our path is the path of a warrior – it will challenge all of your pre-conceived notions of who you are. We are not another religion, belief system or weird cult that claims to do it for you. We want you to become an inquisitive free-thinking autonomous individual who takes responsibility for your life and lives it to the fullest. We will empower you and provide a safe journey within a circle of friends who share a desire to make a difference, to take their power and grow up into their highest potential. It is a great journey – but you must do the walking. You must have the willingness to change and make the leap into the next level of human evolution.

Visit the DTMMS web site for an overview of the Red Lodge Longhouse program.

Arizona Red Lodge Ceremonial Week Aug 2-8

Red Lodge LonghouseEach year of the Red Lodge Longhouse curriculum includes  a week of ceremony in nature.   The Arizona Red Lodge program’s ceremonial week is coming up: Aug 2-8.

For the Red Lodge participants, the week’s ceremonies are  specific to their year within the program, and facilitate integration  of the year’s teachings as well as personal growth and  maturity.

The Red Lodge ceremonial week is also open to people who are not involved in Red Lodge, as a vision quest week.  Ceremonial facilitators can work with participants to create ceremonies for their specific  needs.  For more information, call (888) 391-9033 or email

The Red Lodge Longhouse Program is available at several  locations.  For general information on the Red Lodge Longhouse Program, visit DTMMS’ Red Lodge Longhouse pages.  For information on specific programs,  see:

Home Lodge of the Uncommon Warrior – in Phoenix AZ

Warrior Spirit Lodge, the home lodge of DTMMS in Phoenix AZ

Warrior Spirit Lodge in Phoenix AZ USA

Today we are highlighting the so-called “home lodge” of the Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society: the Warrior Spirit Lodge in Phoenix AZ USA.

Warrior Spirit Lodge is called the home lodge of DTMMS because is is the teaching lodge affiliated with our mother lodge, our Center in Scottsdale.

Community – Teachings – Ceremony

The Warrior Spirit Lodge presents teachings and ceremonies of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path, addressing topics including our physical and energy bodies, balance and alignment, dealing with blocks to growth and maturity, rites of passage, and healing .  These teachings, ceremonies, and spiritual practices feed the uncommon warrior in each of us who strives for excellence.

Warrior Spirit Lodge offers classes, ceremonial experiences and events in the Scottsdale, AZ area for adults and families, including special events for children.  Visit the Warrior Spirit Lodge meetup for information about events and what people are saying about them!

Rites of Passage – Transition from Boys to Men

The Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society is sponsoring a First Seed Ceremonial Weekend, featuring the Rites of Passage ceremonies honoring, celebrating, and enhancing the transition from boyhood to manhood, on the weekend of August 20-22, 2010.

This ceremonial weekend, to be held in northeastern Arizona, is open to young men, ages 11-15. The weekend will offer the First Seed Rites of Passage Purification Lodge and Medicine Naming Ceremony. These are the first two ceremonies in a series of Rites of Passage Ceremonies within the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path that mark and celebrate this journey and passage for young men.

Parent(s) and/or guardian(s) are encouraged to attend with their young man.  Please discuss these arrangements with the registrar.

Registration deadline is July 20, 2010.

For more information, including registration information, see the First Seed Rites of Passage Ceremonial Weekend page, or send email to the event registrar at

Read more about Rites of Passage in general, and the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path ceremonies, in the DTMMS online Reading Room.