Opening the Gates to the Human World, Part 6

Opening the gates to the human worldNote: December 21, 2012 was the final day in one of the Long Counts in the Mayan Calendar.  There were rumors that the end of that long count would also be the “end of the world”.  Within the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path, this date represents the opportunity to enter a new world: the human world.  This is the final part in a 6-part series, written by Janneke Koole, on the opening of the gates to the human world. In Part 6, we look back at the prophecy and forward to how we can work with it.

Remember, we began with the questions about the end of the Mayan Long Count – the “end of the world”:

“Wonderful,”  you say, “I see lots of excitement and anticipation but don’t have a clue what this really means. What does this have to do with me and what’s in it for me?”

Some say this is the day that the world will end; some say nothing will happen. No one really knows what is happening nor what it exactly all means.

But what we do know is that we are here and this is what is happening NOW. We are gathered together to share with one another and to pray together so that we can learn how to care, heal, and love one another in a more powerful way than ever before. We are here to carry an ancient lineage forward into our metis world.

We stand at what our Elders call the Opening of the Gates to the Human World – a turning point for us as individuals and in our larger world.

It is our choices, our daily choices moving us toward either the dark or the light, that will either put another obstacle in front of the Gates or push/pull the Gates open. Either we step forward and inspire others to do the same, or we step backwards and block the very path for those who walk with us or after us. There is no standing still!

Now, take a breath and let’s ask that question again: What’s this got to do with me? What’s in it for me?

For an overview of the Four Worlds and human aspects teachings, see the Red Lodge Year One page.

In the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path teachings, there are four Worlds of Grandmother Earth: Minerals, Plants, Animals, and Humans.  Humans hold the quality of Determining – that is, we as humans have choice, free will; the ability to determine for ourselves as individuals how we will move forward in our lives.  We exercise this power of choice in everything from our smallest moment-to-moment decisions to our biggest life choices:  what to have for breakfast, which shoes we’ll wear today,  which of our talents we will invest in and develop, whether we will have a life partner and who it will be, whether we will walk a spiritual path and what it will be.

Choice is a central part of humanness, and as we move into the Human World, our choices take on more power and significance.  Your choices take on more power and significance.

Now is the time to take this in, and to bring your full self, with all your potential and beauty, into play.  What do you bring into the Human World that is yours? What is unique about your way of caring, healing, loving? What can you do to foster your individual human contribution to this world?

Make a time for yourself to reflect honestly and clearly on your gifts, your individuality, your beauty.  From that, write down at least three things that you now know are yours to do or become, your part in Opening the Gate to the Human World.

Investing in yourself, in your growth, in your movement towards the light, is investing in Opeing the Gates to the Human World. How will you do this?

See Part 1 for background and overview

See Part 2 to learn about the Dark Horse and the Light or Gold Horse

See Part 3 to read about the Southeast and South directions

See Part 4 for the Southwest and Northwest directions

See Part 5  for the North and Northeast

Opening the Gates to the Human World, Part 5

Opening the gates to the human worldNote: December 21, 2012 was the final day in one of the Long Counts in the Mayan Calendar.  There were rumors that the end of that long count would also be the “end of the world”.  Within the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path, this date represents the opportunity to enter a new world: the human world.  This is the fifth in a series, written by Janneke Koole, on the opening of the gates to the human world. In Part 5, we look at the North and Northeast directions related to this prophecy.


This is the place of our philosophies and belief systems, the place we educate ourselves and make a statement, take a stand and develop our stance in relation to general knowledge.

Unfortunately, the brilliance of our technological development is tarnished with greed and the power of profit-making has led us to ignore and sometimes downright violate the Children’s Fire. When we are alienated from the Children’s Fire, we make decisions that destroy for no good reason (other than our evil-minded greed). Corporate greed has destroyed many a small community, taken prices for everyday necessities to excessive heights, and lain to waste much fertile land.

What can we do to make a difference? “It is only through ignorance that men surrender their freedom.” Education is the key! Let’s get the Wheels and Keys into the schools, the communities, and into business. Let’s be bold and daring to speak the unspeakable. Let’s dedicate our efforts, energies, good minds, and full intent to find right solutions to our problems.


This is the place of our prioritization and energy design and is a direct call to be full determiners in the Human World. What are your priorities, really? And are your decisions lining up with those priorities? If so, your everyday choices should reflect that. Each season, and certainly this one, is a good time to re-evaluate whether your choreography and design is working or whether you are driven by stress. Remember that stress opens the door wide all those internal voices we call pretenders – no good fellows of the dark!

Our Elders say that the dark here is fueling the Dark Horse so strongly that it is five lengths ahead of the Light. We can recognize this to be so when we are daring enough to take in the ugly reality of child slavery and human trafficking, domestic violence, and the precarious condition of global economy.

The good news here is that there is a definite increase in the numbers of people “waking up” to the horror of this evil insanity. More and more people are seeking alternatives, the ancient shamanic knowledge, and the schools of magick and mystery.

What can we do to make a difference? Examine our priorities and practice our Warrior Techniques of Discipline to develop a sincere spiritual diligence. Deepen your connection to Spirit and Nature and fuel your Hope. Be the determiner, the driver of your own vehicle, the spirit in charge of your body. Pledge allegiance to the pursuit of liberty/freedom – both internally and externally. Know that there is a Greater Picture, a Divine Plan, Great Spirit’s Design, and align your free will with the will of Wahkan Tanka.

Click for the conclusion in Part 6

See Part 1 for background and overview

See Part 2 to learn about the Dark Horse and the Light or Gold Horse 

See Part 3 to read about the Southeast and South directions

See Part 4 for the Southwest and Northwest directions

Opening the Gates to the Human World, Part 4

Opening the gates to the human worldNote: December 21, 2012 was the final day in one of the Long Counts in the Mayan Calendar.  There were rumors that the end of that long count would also be the “end of the world”.  Within the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path, this date represents the opportunity to enter a new world: the human world.  This is the fourth in a series, written by Janneke Koole, on the opening of the gates to the human world. In Part 4, we look at the Southwest and Northwest directions related to this prophecy.


This is the place of the dream, space and distance, and our process of experience. It is where we come to heal and restore ourselves back to the before. What we dream, becomes our future. For those who know how, dreaming extends all the way out into life on other planets. When a people no longer dream, they lose their will and so can be controlled to do the will of another.

The appalling levels of mediocrity and complacency in our society is fodder for the dark horse. It breeds despair and hopelessness and this leaves the door wide open for being gullible to false hopes. When the people surrender their freedom, the government takes over and begins to interfere inside even the most private and sacred spaces.

What can we do to make a difference? Stay awake, aware, and alert – even in your sleeping dream-time. Speak for the sanctity of home, hearth and heart. Promote the rights of the people to pursue their dream. Educate those in your circle of influence to pay attention to the decisions being made in your local community. And be willing to heal one another – fight for those alternative treatments that have the ability to cure without abandoning the gifts and technology of the traditional medical professionals. Explore Life in all aspects!


This is the place of rules and laws and so the home of government and politics. Perhaps one of the most striking contrasts are held in this direction. Consider Sacred Law, the honoring of the Children’s Fire, and the Cycles of Law as they are protected within the time-honored structures of the Council and Circle of Law. Now consider our corruption of our governmental process and the control by the wealthy and elite few bent on the creation of a new world order (not in the light). Consider also how principles, values, morals and ethics have drifted away from Sacred Law. And, before we dip into despair, consider also the quickly expanding numbers of people who have validated that their karma book is closed and their dharma book is open.

What can we do to make a difference? Study, participate, and implement the Council of Law, beginning in the lowest levels of local government. Practice neutral perception and clear communication. Create a productive, procreative lifestyle in dharma. Study Sacred Law – probe, examine, question boldly until you can discern what is sacred and how you can make a difference to promote the Light.

In Part 5, we look at the North and Northeast directions of the prophecies.  Click here for Part 5

See Part 1 for background and overview

See Part 2 to learn about the Dark Horse and the Light or Gold Horse

See Part 3 to read about the Southeast and South directions

Opening the Gates to the Human World, Part 3

Opening the gates to the human worldNote: December 21, 2012 was the final day in one of the Long Counts in the Mayan Calendar.  There were rumors that the end of that long count would also be the “end of the world”.  Within the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path, this date represents the opportunity to enter a new world: the human world.  This is the third in a series, written by Janneke Koole, on the opening of the gates to the human world. In Part 3, we look at the Southeast and South directions in the prophecy.


The Orange Horse has always held the belief systems of the people concerning peace and all academic pursuits. We now know that external peace is only possible when we have internal peace, when inside ourselves we stop the war between our inner man/woman, when silence the inner dialogue enough to be receptive to truth.

The dark force feeds on all forms of ignorance. And when the people are fed only partial truths, when schools promote mediocrity and squelch free-thinking and true problem-solving, when our leaders and the media models spin-doctoring and double-speaks, then the children are in danger! And the children are the next generation, the future care-takers of Grandmother Earth and her Children.

What can we do to make a difference? Clear our wombs of all forms of pity and dedicate ourselves to develop benevolent compassion. Prepare powerful space of learning and growing for the children. Develop wombs that will welcome new spirits, dharma spirits. Train boys to become men who will seed their dreams of peace with freedom! Learn all about the teachings of the She Thoughts and the Quodoushka and anything that inspires you to express your individuality, your way with power and in beauty.


Rainbow Bridge Prophecies This is the place of the family, Earth Mother, and all the Earth Changes carried by the Red Horse. Grandmother Earth is and will always balance and re-balance herself. She is not in danger – we are! And yes, the earth is changing and we need to find new forms that promote deeper understanding of the Ecological Balance Laws. Study Nature – She knows what She is doing!!

What can we do to make a difference? We can do ceremony – especially at the times Grandmother Earth’s natural cycles (the seasons) and the Sister Moon (new moon and full moon). Make sure your homes are domed. Examine your lifestyle and restore greater value in your everyday environment. Encourage and support the Rites of Passage and honor all parents in their daily challenge to create family. Practice honesty and integrity in all your actions.

In Part 4, we look at the Southwest and Northwest directions of the prophecies. Click here for Part 4.

 See Part 1 for background and overview

See Part 2 to learn about the Dark Horse and the Light or Gold Horse

Opening the Gates to the Human World, Part 2

Opening the gates to the human worldNote: December 21, 2012 was the final day in one of the Long Counts in the Mayan Calendar.  There were rumors that the end of that long count would also be the “end of the world”.  Within the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path, this date represents the opportunity to enter a new world: the human world.  This is the second in a series, written by Janneke Koole, on the opening of the gates to the human world. In Part 2, we begin to look at the prophecies related to this change.


This is the place of the physical and encompasses our entire economic world. What do we see? We see economic manipulation, currency wars, crime, violent unrest and corruption inside military engagements. This is the worst of us – in all respects.

What can we do to make a difference? Clear out our inner conflicts, particularly any forms of the war between the genders and male/female imbalance. Resolve all conflicts. Keep access to knowledge open and keep the internet free. Stay aware, informed and active in your own community. Pay attention and be alert – practice sobriety at all times. And keep your bodies toned and healthy – it’s the only vehicle we have this lifetime!! We are the Gold Horse in action.

The Gold Horse: Moving into the LightEAST – THE LIGHT OR GOLD HORSE

This is the place of the spiritual and encompasses our individual path to enlightenment and the collective matrix of spirituality. The Gold Horse has four colts: Beauty, Power, Knowledge, and Freedom. At what level are we feeding these colts? What is our dedication to our individuality, autonomy and freedom? And to what extent do we co-empower others to pursue their spiritual self-growth and development?

Unfortunately, as Thunder Strikes poignantly describes in Elder’s Wisdom, our society has degenerated to demanding handouts and bailouts and thus unwittingly become slaves of those who hold the power to meet those demands.

What can we do to make a difference? Speed onward in your own spiritual growth. Do something, anything, to be part of the solution and refuse to be a victim, a part of the problem. Deepen your connection to Spirit and use all of your tools to eradicate pity and develop benevolent compassion.

Next we will look at the other six directions – remembering that each holds the dynamic polarity of the dark versus the light within it.

In Part 3, we look at the South and Southeast directions of the prophecies. Click here for Part 3.  

See Part 1 for background and overview. 

Opening the Gates to the Human World, Part 1

Note: December 21, 2012 was the final day in one of the Long Counts in the Mayan Calendar.  There were rumors that the end of that long count would also be the “end of the world”.  Within the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path, this date represents our opportunity to enter a new world: the human world.  This is the first in a 6-part series, written by Janneke Koole, on the opening of the gates to the human world.

“Wonderful”, you say, “I see lots of excitement and anticipation but don’t have a clue what this really means. What does this have to do with me and what’s in it for me?”

Some say this is the day that the world will end; some say nothing will happen. No one really knows what is happening nor what it exactly all means.

But what we do know is that we are here and this is what is happening NOW. We are gathered together to share with one another and to pray together so that we can learn how to care, heal, and love one another in a more powerful way than ever before. We are here to carry an ancient lineage forward into our metis world.

Today represents the ending of one of the LONG COUNTS in the Mayan Calendar – and the beginning of a NEW LONG COUNT.

Today the natural cycling of the seasonal movements of the sun and earth lines up to give us the “shortest day” in the northern hemisphere and the “longest day of summer” in the southern hemisphere. This occurred in the early hours of the morning of December 21st 2012 at 11:12 UTC or 04:12 here in Phoenix. Some say that there is a galactic alignment that occurs only every 26,000 years – now that is something to imagine!  Cycles

Today we are standing at what our Elders call the Opening of the Gates to the Human World.

The Twisted Hairs have spoken about this for many, many years inside their Rainbow Bridge Prophecies. These prophecies tracked the major turning points in human history, choice points in how we as two-legged chose to interact with Nature, the Worlds of Grandmother Earth, and each other. The prophecies tell the story through the eight horses, eight ways in which the belief systems of the people influence the unfolding of our events and the development of civilizations. We live on a planet of duality – dark and light have been with us since always. At some times, the light was strong and the human race/civilizations made great leaps in science, art and the explorations of human potential. At some times, the dark was strong so that humans surrendered their will and lost their way. Whole civilizations were destroyed during those times.

The Seneca People speak of Seven Worlds (see Twylah Nitsch and Jamie Sams’ book, “Other Council Fires were Here before Ours”). Each world was unique in its nature, full of the gifts from the Creator that allowed the people to flourish. And time and time again, the people would sacrifice these gifts, sever their connection to Spirit and Life, and the World would be destroyed. Again and again, another world emerged until today. Today we stand at the opening to the Fifth World. These prophesies say that this is the first time in human history on this planet that the people have the choice and the ability to make the shift into this new world without destruction. But will we?

We can look outward and see that the dark is very, very strong at this time. Anyone who might have been seduced by the “new age feel good all is good” mentality could have been rudely awakened to the stark reality of evil the other morning when 20 children were senselessly murdered while at school. The raging wars, the sleezy politics, the drug-driven gangs, the dissolution of nations, the control of our media, and the breaking apart of the family units – all these and more are clear signs of the dark forces mobilized with a relentless focus to destroy our civilization.

Thank goodness, we can also see the work of the light. And we need to uncover and display these stories much more blatantly. The exquisite photography that allows us to see the incredible beauty of Nature, the passionate giving of those who bring relief to the sick, the ingenuity of young minds creating alternative generators of energy, the courage of those who take a stand and speak out on behalf of the Children’s Fire – no matter the consequences, the mothers and fathers who exercise their duty and parent with dignity and inspire true values, and those who dedicate themselves to their potential and evolutionary maturation.

We can look within and find these same polarities.

The Gate to the Human World is not only happening in the galactic shifting of time, space and dimension. The Gate to the Human World is opening within ourselves.

It is our choices, our daily choices, that will either put another obstacle in front of that door or it will push/pull the door open. Either we step forward and inspire others to do the same or we step backwards and block the very path for those who walk with us or after us. There is no standing still!

Thunder Strikes has given us vivid descriptions of the race between the dark and the light; between good and evil. I have included some of what he addressed; I will also weave in some of the older teachings that relate each of the eight directions to one of the Eight Horses of the Rainbow Bridge Prophesies.

To understand the fundamental challenge, we must first understand the juxtaposition between the Black or Dark Horse and the Gold or Light Horse. These energies are within each of the other six directions. We are at choice – and these choices are ever-present and very, very critical at this time. Remember, our daily choices either blocks or opens the Gates to the Human World.

So in each of the eight directions we will look at our task – how to care, share, teach, heal, and/or love – how to feed and nourish and empower the Gold Horse.

In Part 2, we look at the Dark Horse and the Light Horse. Click here for Part 2.