A New (Red Lodge) World: All 3 Years at One Place!

Another weekend of Arizona Red Lodge has come and gone – but with one major difference (and improvement).

For the first time in Arizona Red Lodge history, all 3 of the program groups met in one place.  Thanks to its recent expansion, the DTMMS Center in Scottsdale now has enough classroom space (and bathrooms) to accomodate all 3 years of the Red Lodge program.

For many of the students, it was the first time they had seen the new, larger and  more beautiful space.  As we opened the Friday night gathering with our usual drumming and singing, the excitement was pretty apparent through the extra gusto people brought to it.  The program director reports that folks loved meeting in the same building, and having that ongoing contact between the classes.

DTMMS Board of Directors Meeting

As a non-profit, DTMMS has a Board of Directors which meets at least 4 times per year.  The Board’s most recent meeting was Friday 4/23.

The Board of Directors handles matters related to the running of DTMMS as a business, such as budgeting and prioritizing, legal matters, staffing and operational issues, publications, etc.   DTMMS’ Board is comprised of people from the US and other countries, of varying business and social backgrounds, who come together to help to organization accomplish its mission:  to fight against ignorance, slavery, bigotry, racism, war, dogma and superstition using the Wheels and Keys of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path to seed the future generations with Beauty, Power, Knowledge and Freedom.

DTMMS Board meetings are open to apprentices of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path.  To find out more about meetings, contact the DTMMS office.

Practical Self-Defense Articles Online

Mary Albee takes SwiftDeer out

Thanks to Google Books, four articles featuring the self-defense work of  Harley SwiftDeer Reagan, co-founder of DTMMS, are now available online.

In 1978, Richard Zimmerman wrote a 3-part series for Black Belt Magazine called “Assault on Rape” featuring Reagan’s research and self-defense techniques developed specifically for women of all ages and abilities to defend against the most common types of attacks.  Part I was published in April, Part II in May, and Part III in June of 1978.

Then in September of 1978, Harley Reagan and Mary Albee co-wrote Practical Self-Defense, also published in Black Belt (see page 59).

Gaining Skills and Confidence – Black Lodge!

This year, for the second year, two of our friends from Italy sponsored a Black Lodge (self-defense and physical skills) workshop here in Scottsdale March 22-28. 

(Note: It is called “Black Lodge” because, on our medicine wheel, black is the color in the west, which is the place of the physical body, of prowess, strength, and stability.)

The 16 participants, from Italy, Germany, Australia, Canada and the US, spent 7 intensive days with Thunder Strikes and the team, learning and practicing how to handle themselves in various circumstances.  Training included fundamental martial arts skills, sexual assault defense, basic firearms training, and awareness development.

Some came because they love this kind of work; others came because they did NOT love it, and wanted to find out why.  By the end of the week, though, everyone was participating enthusiastically and planning how they could continue their training once they returned home.

Are you interested in developing your physical skills, your ability to defend yourself and your loved ones, your prowess, your confidence?  Contact the Black Lodge team at blacklodge@dtmms.org.

Volunteer Appreciation, Part 1

Every day, volunteer efforts contribute significantly to the success of DTMMS.  

Today we had people come into our Scottsdale Center to help with the continuing rearranging and renovation of the combined new and old spaces.  These volunteers make it possible for DTMMS staff to continue with the regular work of the organization – products, people, accounting, communications, and so much more – while progress continues with the expansion.  Thank you!

Every day study group and lodge leaders in communities around the world volunteer their time in their work with the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path teachings.  Without them, there would be no DTMMS.  Thank you!

Many people, in the Scottsdale area, in California, in Italy, in Michigan, in Canada, and more, give time and energy to the creation of DTMMS publications, which further our mission of preserving the wheels and keys of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path.  Thank you!

And there are so many more.  Without you, DTMMS could not exist, and could not do what it was formed to do.  You bring life and vigor to the organization.  Thank you for all that you do!

Scottsdale AZ Center Beautification

This past weekend was a big one for the DTMMS Scottsdale AZ Center.  As noted in and earlier entry (Scottsdale AZ Center Expands), we’ve acquired some additional space.  Last weekend, crews of dedicated, skilled, energetic, and enthusiastic volunteers moved furniture, painted, and (after the laying of new carpeting) moved furniture again.  The Center is on the downhill side of its makeover, and it is beautiful.

Staff offices, storage, and classrooms have been rearranged to take full advantage of the new space.  There is now an actual kitchen, with a sink and running water!  The dojo has its very own changing room.  All staff offices are now window offices.  And we now have 3 teaching and gathering spaces in addition to the dojo.

Moving, rearranging and beautification continues, but should be complete by the end of April.  Look for an open house soon!  In the meantime, for a schedule of events at the Center, see the DTMMS calendar.