Learn about avoiding crime: Friday Aug. 16

Interested in learning how to make yourself less vulnerable to criminal activity?   How to defend yourself by avoiding situations before they reach the level of physical confrontation?

Marc MacYoung, No Nonsense Self-Defense

Marc MacYoung, self-defense expert

Self-defense expert Marc MacYoung joins us on Friday evening, August 16, with a talk on crime avoidance, followed by a question and answer session.  He says:

Many martial artists spend years, if not decades, learning how to protect themselves from criminal attacks. But they haven’t spent any time looking at how criminals select victims or commit their attacks. ‘Crime Avoidance’ is a court-recognized system showing you how to identify and articulate what the criminal did to set you up for a crime. It’s mostly how to nonviolently foil a felon’s attempts to rob, rape, or assault you.

When: Friday August 16, 7pm
Where: Scottsdale AZ
Cost: $15

For more information, or to register for the Friday night talk, visit http://www.dtmms.org/event/macyoung2013.

Friday’s talk is followed by a self-defense weekend training, sponsored by Ten No Kishi Dojo.


Medicine Wheel Gathering: Ontario Canada

It is time to celebrate and grow again!  ICSS’ popular Medicine Wheel Gathering returns for its second year:

ICSS Medicine Wheel Gathering

ICSS Medicine Wheel Gathering

Last year we celebrated the opening of the gates into the 5th world.  We did ceremony, shared teachings, enjoyed the warmth of our community (including swimming and ice cream) and reveled in the beautiful weather of August.

This year we have entered the 5th world and are living in unsettled times.  Our theme this year is “For the Love of Self” where you will discover your sacred container, the deep well of self-love and self-devotion.  We invite you to dance with us again as we leave the familiar of the 4th world behind and enter into this new adventure called the 5th world.

The Medicine Wheel Gathering runs August 22-25, in Ontario. For more information, visit the Medicine Wheel Gathering Dream of the New World page at ICSS.

Earth Lodge Germany: August 5-11

What is Earth Lodge?

Earth Lodge is a gathering for people of all ages, a time and place where we come together to reconnect with nature, to celebrate Rites of Passage in the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path tradition, and to develop our abilities to let go of pain and self-pity and to meet our true selves.  Earth Lodge is a community, a celebration, a ceremony. This will be the 24th year for Earth Lodge in Germany.

Das Leben ändert sich – wir ändern uns – welche Werkzeuge haben wir, um mit diesen Veränderungen umzugehen? Wie können wir einzelne Situationen unseres Lebens nicht zu ernst nehmen? Wie können wir freudvoll mit der Veränderung tanzen, ohne unsere Energie zu verlieren? Die Earthlodge bietet funktionierendes Wissen an, wie wir Separation verhindern, wie wir uns mit Spirit wieder verbinden und ein gutes Leben entfalten können.

Is Earth Lodge in a big hotel?

Well, no. Earth Lodge is out in nature.  Earth Lodge Germany has several large tents for meetings and community gatherings, and provides simple and environmentally sound facilities and meals.  Those who come to Earth Lodge camp in their own tents.  To reconnect with nature, it helps to be close to her!

What about kids? Is Earth Lodge child-friendly?

Yes!  Earth Lodge has a strong Teen Lodge and Children’s Lodge, and facilitates Rites of Passage for those age groups as well as for adults.

Is Germany the only place with an Earth Lodge?

No – there’s also an Earth Lodge in Italy, which runs August 16-21. Earth Lodge Italy is in its 19th year.

La nostra vita è all’insegna del cambiamento. Il cambiamento è parte dei cicli naturali di cui facciamo parte.

Esistono momenti precisi in cui ognuno di noi sperimenta trasformazioni fisiche e della coscienza. Questi momenti li chiamiamo Riti di Passaggio, un viaggio negli inevitabili cambiamenti della vita. Riconoscere e accettare questi momenti significa predisporsi a vivere la propria esistenza creativamente, in connessione profonda con sé stessi, gli altri e con l’eternità.

Visit the Earth Lodge Germany site, or the Earth Lodge Italy site.

Self-Defense Weekend Seminar: Marc MacYoung Aug 16-18 Scottsdale

Ten No Kishi Dojo sponsors Marc MacYoung, self-defense expert, for a weekend of No Nonsense Self-Defense!

In the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path, development of physical skill and mastery, including the ability to care for one’s own safety, is one of the significant aspects of self-growth.  In the process of developing our physical abilities, we learn an incredible amount about ourselves. Through his practical approach to awareness and self-defense, Marc will give us plenty of opportunities to learn in this way!

Join us for:

  • Personal Protection / Crime Avoidance talk – Friday evening, A look at how to non-violently foil a criminal’s attempts, followed by Q&A with Marc.
  • Martial Mechanics/Force Physics – Saturday. Learn how to use your body effectively.
    Marc says, “This seminar’s drills and techniques are not based on muscle. It’s training along the lines of a quote from Helio Gracie, ‘Train as if you are an old man because one day you will be.’ This kind of power doesn’t fade with age, like muscle and endurance. The older you get, the better you get.”
  • Knife Seminar – Sunday. Get an understanding how knives are used, and why people get stabbed; learn about the effects of adrenalin on perception and how it will make you ‘walk into (a blade) weed whacker’ ; look at the different kinds of violence and why your response is not ‘fighting’; develop skill and get information you can access easily even in a live-fire situation.

Limited to 30 participants. Early registration discounts available.
For more information and to register, go to http://www.dtmms.org/event/macyoung2013

About Marc MacYoung

Marc MacYoung, No Nonsense Self-DefenseHe is considered by many to be one of the most analytical thinkers on the subject of surviving violence and personal safety today. What he teaches is based on experience and has proven reliability for surviving violence.

He has taught police, military, martial artists and civilians around the world. His message is always the same:Hand-to-hand combat is a last ditch effort when other, more effective, preventive measures have failed.

Since the age of 10, he has studied several styles of martial arts, including Karate, Wing Chun, Baqua/Hsing-I, Five Family Gung fu, Boxing, Western swordsmanship, Kali and various forms of Pentjak Silat. He teaches No Nonsense Self-Defense, a combination of formal martial arts techniques and principles and his real life experience, supported by research into the areas of psychology, criminology, sociology and legal use of force.

To see more about Marc, visit his web site http://marcmacyoung.com/, or the No Nonsense Self-Defense site.