Warrior Wednesday – Intent and Coordination


In each direction of the Warrior Attributes wheel, there are two attributes.  The first attribute carries the feminine energy and the second carries the masculine energy.  In each pair, you must have the feminine aspect mastered before you can step into and embody the masculine aspect.

The Warrior’s Attributes in the North are Intent and Coordination. Intent is a determination to act in a certain way. We must be very careful when judging someone’s intent. What we call intent for people is many times their motivation of action. The only way we can know a person’s intent is to see the action through the eyes of the Great Spirit. Only the Great Spirit can see the total picture. Coordination is the ability to receive multiple viewing points and be able to work them together harmoniously. Without knowing your intent, you won’t know what you need to coordinate.

If you would like to read more about the Twenty Count and Powers of the Universe, please visit our online store.

Winter Solstice (or Summer Solstice down under)


Soltices and equinoxes sit in the center of the season wheel, catalyzing the cycles of death, life, rebirth, change, and movement.  Grandmother Earth’s internal, introspective movement moves counterclockwise to produce the seasons of fertility and abundance of all forms of all things.  Take a moment to breathe the energy of this solstice deep into every cell of your being, allowing the death of the that which no longer serves you, so that there is room for the seeds of new life to sprout and flower.


Twenty Count Tuesday – Sacred Grandfather Stars & Sister Moon


We look again to the East and we see and hear many Voices, many Instruments, many Songs being played in harmony with Grandfather Sun’s Song. These are the Grandfather Stars, the eleventh Power. They are singing the Song of Inspiration and the Chant of the Heyoehkahs.  There are many Songs here and each is a Sacred Teacher. The Light coming from these Songs begins to reveal to us our own illusions. We begin to see why it is so hard and yet so simple to sing this Song.

Sacred Grandfather Stars are those stars who are suns for planets with human life.

If you would like to read more about the Twenty Count and Powers of the Universe, please visit our online store.

Animal Medicine Monday – Raccoon


raccoon_1280Raccoons are considered the masked heyoehkah, or sacred clown.  As they gather, they teach us to collect only that which is necessary.  They also teach us to horde, save and steal.  Raccoon is the teacher of jealously and possessiveness.  Because it is nocturnal, it is a shadow exposer.

Warrior Wednesday – Pattern and Timing


In each direction of the Warrior Attributes wheel, there are two attributes.  The first attribute carries the feminine energy and the second carries the masculine energy.  In each pair, you must have the feminine aspect mastered before you can step into and embody the masculine aspect.

In the Northwest sit the Warrior’s Attributes of Pattern and Timing. Pattern is looking at the repetitions of energy and events. Timing is catching minimal chance: being in the right place at the right time. When you can discern the pattern of something, you know when to step in and catch the necessary timing. If you cannot discern pattern, you will not know when to act.

What are the patterns that you have encoded in your physical body because your perception was limited by the stories you believe to be true? Realize this is your script. Assume authority for what happens and has happened. Take responsibility for the agreements you have with others and your life process. Step into the power of each moment’s opportunity. If you do this, you will move into the light mirror. You will recognize, accept and change the pattern. You will have the wisdom to know the timing for change and the timing of evolution. This is a movement to a higher level of the script you wrote for yourself in spirit.


Twenty Count Tuesday – Sacred Measure of Intellect

treecircle_1280It seems as though the Circle is complete, but then we really begin to awaken. We feel drawn, pulled by a spinning, whirling sensation. It is as if the winds of a tornado were blowing us towards the North of the Center of this Great Wheel, this Great Orchestra. The Power is elusive, the sound is on a very high scale and comes from the tenth Power. It is on such a high scale that the light-within-the-sound seems beyond our ability to perceive. The sound-within-the-light seems to be ringing inside our head, inside our own mind. For a brief moment as we are singing our Song, playing our Music, dancing our Dance, we fall into perfect rhythm and harmony. In this moment, we realize that this tenth Power is the Great Measure, the Great Intellect that lies within ourselves. It lies within every Note, Song, Sound, Light, Presence and Power within this Great Orchestra.

We are conscious of it and yet unconscious of it. We seem to be a part of it and yet not a part of it. We struggle to remain in harmony and not lose it, for we know, intuitively, that it is here that all of the Energies, all of the Instruments, Sounds and Songs are collected. They are blended together in a Collective and Unified Circle.

Now we dance at a Gateway. We see, hear, sense and feel the experience of this great SunDance. We realize that if we can dance through this Gateway, an even greater Song is being played. This Song is coming from within the Circle and from outside the Circle at one and the same time. There is a “double energy” that is coming from each of these Powers on the Wheel of Life.

If you would like to read more about the Twenty Count and Powers of the Universe, please visit our online store.

Thundering Thursday


Always seek perfection through becoming impeccable.  Find the inner truth which leads you into proper alignment with all things within the Everything, allowing you to come into harmonic resonance with the ancestors and the Great Spirit. ~ SwiftDeer