Seven Dimensions: Pattern


There are Seven Dimensions within this universe through which light becomes life and gives life.  The Seven Steps describe how energy moves through life in a constant and continuous cycle.  The Seven Dimensions refer to the seven levels of existence and the potential levels of awareness of that existence.

Once any process has reached the seventh Step of Freedom, it will naturally evolve into a new Pattern, which will need Chaos to move it into Completion.  Completion is the Step that will spin any process into its next evolutionary cycle.

Pattern is the summation of the first Seven Steps.

A new pattern has been created and it is that of dominion.  If we express our freedom as an act of empowerment, we are always in dominion.  If at the eighth Step, however, we make our pattern one of going back to some imitation of form, we will immediately create a pattern of reincarnation.  Each cycle is a Circle of Law as we are trying to gain knowledge of Sacred Law and the Worlds of Grandmother Earth.  The greatest karma in any pattern of non-freedom us the separation from or destruction of our connection with the earth.

Seven Dimensions: Imagination


There are Seven Dimensions within this universe through which light becomes life and gives life.  The Seven Steps describe how energy moves through life in a constant and continuous cycle.  The Seven Dimensions refer to the seven levels of existence and the potential levels of awareness of that existence.

Imagination, with understanding in place, creates empowerment.  Play with this word: “image a nation… I the Magi, within my circle of empowerment.”  At this step, we must be willing to recognize all the faces of whatever is reflected to us as a part of us.  In the Twenty Count, six is the place of the ancestors.  If we are to have a proper understanding within our imagination to gain freedom from our pattern, we must be grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, son, daughter, sister, brother, husband and wife (in both parts of the relationship, i.e., wife-husband and husband-wife).  Either now, before or in the future, we will dance all of the faces of these reflections.  Imagination is the extension of who we are outside of time and space.

7 Steps of Process – Pattern

sun-flower-209613_1280Step eight is PATTERN. Once you are in full co-empowerment, you move into pattern. If you express your freedom as an act of empowerment, you are always in dominion. If, however, you have avoided impact, limited your understanding, precluded imagination, and stepped away from taking responsibility (chosen license rather than freedom), you will be caught in a pattern of cyclic repetition and domination. The massive destruction of the rain forests (a “sunflower” par excellence) is a vivid example of such a pattern.

7 Steps of Process – Imagination


The sixth step of process is IMAGINATION. If you break down this word, it means to “image a nation. I, the magi or magician, within my sacred circle of empowerment, can create through my imagination all things.” At this point, with understanding in place, empowerment occurs. You can now use the empowerment. In other words, the sunflower as it grows enhances your reflection of beauty and expands your sense of self and life however far you can stretch your imagination. Or from experiencing the death of the sunflower, you gain empowerment from the death cycle.

Magician’s Formula of Power


The acquisition of power is probably the most misunderstood energy on the planet today. Many try to chase after it, buy it and some think they can steal or seduce it. However, those who are wise know that there is only one way to have power and that is to make a space inside for power to reside. Power rests inside you—in your marriage basket around the navel.

Let’s begin with the Magician’s Formula of Power.




Attention, according to Webster, is the act or state of applying the mind to an object. Let’s call this focus. Attention + Attraction means we must focus our attention on our attraction. When we focus our attention on our attraction, whatever we are focused on has a connection to us, and therefore an equal giveaway of energy or value is involved. Attraction is a pure electromagnetic energy.

If you focus your attention on attraction, attraction will catch or know intent. All you must do is focus on the attraction. If you do this, impact will be created. Impact is essential to power. You can experience either positive or negative impact. Both are important.

Through impact, we gain empowerment. When empowerment is an act of mutual acceptance, that is co-empowerment. It produces a win-win result, and anchors you in power.

Through the power gained from empowerment and co-empowerment, you enter the circle of dominion. Dominion is the arena in which power plays. Here is where all power exists. Once you have co-empowerment, you put all your attention on your dominion. The Elders say that at this point you gain freedom.  If I am empowering you, you are going to empower back because it is an automatic return. Therefore, we enter dominion. At that moment we do not dominate, manipulate, or control each other.

Freedom Streams of the 0-9 Law


Today, we will explore the steps and dimensions within the 0-9 Law.

  1. First Dimension – FOCUS begins the law of attraction. Energy is present and attracts our attention.
  2. Second Dimension – SUBSTANCE exists when the attraction is focused. It appears within space. There is no definition, give-away or purpose at this point. It can be used for many reasons or purposes.
    For example, it is the raw material, like metal, out of which we make many tools and implements.
  3. Third Dimension – FORM occurs when definition and purpose are given to the focused substance.
    For example, a bar of steel becomes a crow bar. Pick it up and you can choose to use it as a weapon or a tool. At that point, impact is made.
  4. Fourth Dimension – DETERMINATION stands alone by itself. The nature of the impact has now been determined.
    The attraction will be seen at that moment as either positive or negative. The impact will be either creative or destructive and our challenge now is to determine what to do with it.
  5. Fifth Dimension – UNDERSTANDING occurs when there is no limitation between you and the energy. This is contrary to how most people define understanding. They limit the interaction so that they can gain “understanding”. If at the point of determination you do not have acceptance and tolerance of the action or thing, if you get into judgment or comparison, you will not have a true understanding of it. Instead, limitations are created to maintain the form of what is familiar and known. Understanding presupposes the process of clarification (assembling multiple viewing points), validation (cross-correlations, seeing if it is effective and is assimilated into our body knowing), and integration (Does the knowledge work? Can it be applied anywhere and at any time?)
  6. Sixth Dimension – IMAGINATION, with understanding in place, creates empowerment. Play with this word: “image a nation….I the Magi, within my sacred circle of empowerment”. At this Step, we must be willing to recognize all the faces of whatever is reflected to us as a part of us. In the Twenty Count, six is
    the place of the ancestors. If we are to have a proper understanding within our imagination to gain freedom from our pattern, we must be grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, son, daughter, sister, brother, husband and wife (in both parts of the relationship, i.e., wife-husband and husband-wife).  Either now, before or in the future, we will dance all the faces of these reflections. Imagination is the extension of who we are outside of time and space.
  7. Seventh Dimension – FREEDOM is the process of life itself. This Step carries light which is life itself. It is the dream, our experience of the process of life, our desire to live (our spiritual sexual eros). Autonomous individual freedom is the most sacred of all gifts and occurs here at the seventh Step. In its finest form, this is the power of resurrection.

Once any process has reached the seventh Step of Freedom, it will naturally evolve into a new Pattern which will need Chaos to move it into Completion. Completion is the Step which will spin any process into its next evolutionary cycle.

8.  PATTERN is the summation of the first Seven Steps.
A new pattern has been created and it is that of dominion. If we express our freedom as an act of empowerment, we are always in dominion. If at the eighth Step, however, we make our pattern one of going back to some limitation of form, we will immediately create a pattern of reincarnation.  Each cycle is a Circle of Law as we are trying to gain knowledge of Sacred Law and the Worlds of Grandmother Earth. The greatest karma in any pattern of non-freedom is the separation from or destruction of our connection with the earth.

9.  CHAOS is the implosion and explosion of breath.
There are only two numbers in the world according to the Elders, 0 = creation and 1 = light.  Light will make nine movements from “0”. At the ninth movement it will return to itself without anything acting on it. Within the chaotic wave, energy movement is designed and choreographed and is always in absolute male/female energy balance.

10.  COMPLETION (sometimes called SOLUTION) is the expression of artistic originality into all forms of all states of consciousness. All the consciousness of minerals as holders; plants as givers; animals as receivers; and all states of consciousness of humans as determiners equal a sacred measurement of ten. Light is creating itself into all forms of all things. Thus the Step of Completion is both the end and the beginning — a new evolutionary cycle begins even as one completes itself. Obtaining solution on one level merely opens the door to the next level of challenge.