Balanced Choreography of Energy: Giving with Emotions

The Balanced Choreography of Energy wheel describes the most balanced way to use energy. Why do we as humans want to be balanced? Think about the ways we experience stress, pain, fatigue, anxiety, worry in our bodies, our minds, our emotions and within our spirit on a daily basis.

We know when we don’t flow, and we inherently know when there is something off. We are walking out of balance and, therefore, can’t determine how to best choreograph the dance that is our life.

In the Sweet Medicine SunDance path, the Balanced Choreography of Energy is a wheel and movement around the circle of directions that help remind us what we naturally need to do to be in balance and harmony with all aspects of ourselves.

If we could master this balanced choreography of giving with the emotions, holding and transforming with the physical body, receiving with the mind, determining with spirit and open, heart-to-heart sexual communication, we would be walking around this planet in balance and harmony with all things.



In the South, we give with our emotions. Giving with the emotions means “energy in emotion.”

Emotions are meant to be expressed and to flow freely. In other words, if we are angry, we give our anger. If we are happy, we give happiness. When we are sad, we cry and give with sadness. Our emotions are a part of our beauty that we must give away.

As long as we are giving our emotions with tenderness, our emotions are true, clear and clean expressions of what is happening within us. Therefore, we are in balance.

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