Warrior Wednesday


In each direction of the Warrior Attributes wheel, there are two attributes.  The first attribute carries the feminine energy and the second carries the masculine energy.  In each pair, you must have the feminine aspect mastered before you can step into and embody the masculine aspect.

The last pair of Warrior’s Attributes sit in the Southeast of the Wheel.  Our Attitude and Approach toward self, life, and others creates a frame for all of our concepts of self. At each point on the wheel, it is your attitude and approach which determine your choice of action, response, and evolution. Are you part of the solution or the problem? Have you been writing too many tragedies? Do you choose the light mirror dance or are you trapped in the web of darkness? With the proper attitude, you will know how to approach life to write the kind of story you want, whether it be a comedy, romance, or heroic epic.


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