SunDance Story of Creation, part 2

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Once the Everything knew its feminine and masculine aspects, the breath of Wakan Tanka birthed first of the four sacred elements, air. The second element was fire, the spirit of the Chuluaqui force of Wakan Tanka. Then from the space of its female and male side, WahKahn and SsKwan came together with the energy force of their separate Chuluaqui energies combining in a whirlwind serpent-fire of total love and the third element of water was created. From the two Chuluaqui energies came Quodoushka, the sacred marriage and union of the male and female energies which together become greater than the sum of the parts and thus became the heart of Wakan Tanka. Then seeing that the purpose of creation was discovering substance form through the act of orgastic pleasure in order to gain knowledge of itself, Wakan Tanka (WahKahn/SsKwan) made love and created all things within the Everything. Thus the fourth element of earth became the physical manifestations of the love energy of the Great Spirit

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